Approval Actions

Approval Actions

All administrative functions of Herzum Approval require you to be a user with the Jira Cloud System Administrators global permission.


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This section allows the admin user to enable or disable: the decision options, lock reversing an action once a decision has been made, or change the decision.

All of these actions are displayed in the issue approval panel


In this section

Reject Approval Action

The Reject Approval Action option allows you to enable/disable the capability for the approvers to submit a rejection.

By default, the capability to reject is disable (the option is OFF).

When this option is turned OFF, the app disable the ability to submit a rejection via email and the Reject button.


Abstain Approval Action

The Abstain Approval Action option allows you to enable the capability for the approvers to express a vote of abstention.

By default, the capability to abstain is disabled (the option is OFF).

When this option is turned ON, the app provides the capability to express the vote of abstention.

When a user abstain, his decision is assumed neutral with regard to the decisions expressed by the approvers.

It will be considered as a tacit approbation if other approvers approve, a rejection if the other approvers reject.

Lock Reversing Approval Actions

The Lock Reversing Approval Actions option allows you to disable the capability for the approvers to change the approval decision.

By default, capability for the select approvers to change the approval decision is disable (the option is OFF).

When this option is turned ON, the app blocks the possibility to reverse an approval action.

When enabling the Lock Reversing Approval Actions, you are able to select some users enabled to reverse an approval action.

Enable Actions on Approval Panel

The Enable actions on Approval Panel allows you to enable the rest of actions when one of them has already executed in an approval.

By default, capability for all the approvers to change the approval decision for an approval is disabled (the option is OFF)

When this option is turned ON, the app enable the possibility to reverse an approval action.