Audit Logs

Audit Logs

All administrative functions of Herzum Approval require you to be a user with the Jira Cloud System Administrators global permission


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This page records all the actions performed in each session of the Approval app starting from the configurations made in the Global Configuration; the creation, updating, and deletion of the Approvals; the creation, updating, and deletion of the Conditional Rules; the creation, updating, and deletion of Approval Mappings; creation, updating, and deletion of E-Mail Templates for Approval Request and Approval Reply; creating, updating and deleting Permissions for Approval Request and Configure Approvals for Single Issue; the creation, updating and deletion of Recipients.


In this section

Filters in Audit Logs

We can filter the table records by date and together with the date filter you can choose any or all other filters, by author, category, and summary.


Settings in Audit Logs

In the Settings button, there are other options where you can choose the period that a log remains on the table, and then it is automatically removed. This period is one month. You can also choose the number of records that appear on the first page of the table. They can be 10, 20, and 40. The disable option, if it is clicked, makes it possible that the logs for every action that is done on the app, are not logged.


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