Welcome to Herzum

Herzum is the perfect partner for your Agile projects, your DevOps and Continuous Integration setups, and to help you adopt the most modern approaches to portfolio management. We are an international consulting company always at the forefront of agile best practices, software architectures, and innovative technologies. We have a passion for your success, and have been helping our customers since 2000 in the adoption of “agile in the large”, scaling agile approaches across projects, IT organizations, and from business strategy to business success. Herzum handles projects and organizations from the startup phase to the Fortune 100 level.

Herzum is one of the few Atlassian Platinum Solution Partners and a well-known authority on the Atlassian suite of collaboration and development tools. We have also developed Atlassian apps to enhance your JIRA adoption.

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Apps Technical Documentation

 Herzum Approval Cloud

Herzum Approval app provides a simple and flexible way of managing and processing the approval of JIRA issues. Administrators can easily define approval criteria based on workflow transitions or project/issue types.

 Herzum Approval

Herzum Approval app provides a simple and flexible way of managing and processing the approval of JIRA issues. Administrators can easily define approval criteria based on workflow transitions or project/issue types.

 Herzum Amplifier for Mattermost & Jira

Herzum Amplifier for Mattermost & Jira is a powerfull app, allowing configurable bidirectional integration with Mattermost allowing policy based notifications from Jira to Mattermost as well as issue viewing and creation from any Mattermost channel.

 Herzum Amplifier for Mattermost & Bitbucket

Herzum Amplifier for Mattermost & Bitbucket is a powerfull app, allowing configurable integration with Mattermost allowing policy based notifications from Bitbucket to Mattermost for project and repositories.

 Herzum HC2MM HipChat to Mattermost Migration tool

Herzum HC2MM HipChat to Mattermost Migration tool is a painless automated tool for migrating users, channels and chats from HiphChat to Mattermost.

 Quick Linker

Quick Linker allows JIRA users to create linked issues with a single click of a button. Administrators can configure, among other things, source/destination for projects/issue types and the labels for the buttons that create/link your issues!

 Herzum Moderator Approval

Herzum Moderator Approval is an app for Bitbucket that lets you define, at a project or repository level, Moderators that need to approve a pull-request before merging.

 Herzum Attachment Manager for JIRA

Herzum Attachment Manager for JIRA is a powerful app for JIRA that lets you define, at the project level, the maximum number of attachments and also overwrite the default JIRA maximum attachment size.