REST API Documentation

REST API Documentation

Herzum Approval exposes its data via REST Application Programming Interfaces (API) which allows you to build your own integrations with the app.

API Capabilities at the moment include:

  • Search information about approval items filtering by user, status and approval name
  • Operate on the issue approvals (APPROVE, REJECT, ABSTAIN, RESET)


The Approval API relies on the underlying JIRA Authentication mechanism and the following are supported

  • OAuth
  • Basic Auth
  • Cookie Based Authentication

For detailed information about the Authentication mechanisms please refer to Atlassian JIRA Security Documentation

In particular:

In this section

Related Documentation

Here you can find some links to our customer documentation illustrating the effect of these customizations:

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Using Postman

Postman is a popular tool for working with APIs. We have published a collection for testing and documentation using Postman. 

Download the latest version of Postman from https://www.getpostman.com/ and then click this button to import our collection:

(info) You are also able to DOWNLOAD THE COLLECTION

The collection is available from the sidebar under "Collections":

The Collection comes with various example requests, that have been set up with Collection specific variables

Get Issue Approvals

The following API is for retrieving information about items still hanging into the approval stage.

Act on Requested Approvals

The following API is for performing operations on the items still hanging into the approval stage.

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