Recipients Administration
Antonella Capalbo
Vittoria Oliva
The Recipients administration screen let you able to setup the recipients of the approval email notifications (Approval Requests and Approval Reply notifications).
If no setting is applied, the default behavior is the following:
- when the Automatic request Notification is enabled or when an user select a transition displayed by clicking the Request Approvals button, an Approval Request email is sent to all approvers
- when an approver approves, rejects, abstains or resets an approval, an email notification is sent to the assignee and to all approvers.
The Recipients administration screen looks like as follows:
The Approval Request tab allows to disable the automatic and massive Approval Request email notification for selected users, groups, project roles, project lead, reporter and assignee.
By default, the automatic and massive Approval Request email notification is sent to All approvers.
You are able to change the default behavior by excluding the selected users, the selected groups, the selected project roles, the project lead, the reporter and the assignee.
The Approval Reply tab allows to enable users to receive an e-mail notification any time that an approver approves, rejects, abstains, resets an approval or following a Complete approbation or an Automatic Transition on Approbation or an Automatic Transition on Rejection.
By default, this email notification is sent to Assignee and to the Approvers any time that an approval changes status (e.g from Pending to Approved).
In this section
Related Documentation
Here you can find some links to our customer documentation relating some topics addressed in this page:
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