Customized email templates used to notify an approval request.

Customized email templates used to notify an approval request.

Customer requirement

We would like to be able to customize email templates used to notify an approval request. We need to show different texts for different project issue type and different email priorities.

For example we have an "Emergency" issue type and email should have Priority=High so people will notice it immediately.


Preliminary Concepts

The 'Customized email Templateis a configurable option of the Herzum Approval add-on.

It's possible to configure it in the Global Configuration administration screen.


The customer requirement has been satisfied through the configuration of Email Template.

At first it's necessary to configured the Conditional Rule from Approval Administration Panel, choosing "Add Conditional Rule"

It will open a configuration panel, which contains a possibility to configure the rule, based on JQL . In order to satisfy  the customer requirement the rule is "priority=high and issuetype = Emergency"

It's possible to choose the evaluator of the conditional rule and additionally to verify the validity of query using on  hand lens icon.

Last in the Email Template choosing the tab "Approval Request" click on "Add E-mail template for project". 

Choosing "Configure" it will open the E-mail Template Configuration, which to allow to specify the Condition to prioritize the emails, as showed following.

In addition it's possible to customize Header, Subject, Body, Approve/Reject Instructions, Footer, Logo and which one of the Field of issue insert to email.

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