Amplifier for Mattermost and Bitbucket - Team Settings
Enabling and Disabling Teams
Choose the cog icon at top right of the screen, then choose Manage Appsand click, under Herzum Amplifier for Mattermost, Team Settings Administration → Manage apps → Herzum Amplifier for Mattermost → Team Settings |
The first tab displays your Mattermost Teams available for use in Bitbucket. From the Mattermost synchronizer the teams are created in Bitbucket with a "Default Configuration". Click to Disable a team.Click to Re-enable a team.Disabling a team in Herzum Amplifier for Mattermost Team Settings will remove the team from any project settings where the team was enabled. Any project channels related to the team are no longer valid for projects. |
Deleting Teams
To delete a team from Bitbucket click am you wish to delete. in the Actions column for the teDeleting a team in Herzum Amplifier for Mattermost Team Settings will remove the team completely from Bitbucket. The next Mattermost synchronization run will re-import the team. | |
Enabling and disabling Channels
The second tab displays your Mattermost Channels available for use in Bitbucket. Listed here are all your enabled channels. Click to Disable a channel. Click to Re-enable a channel.Disabling a channel in Herzum Amplifier for Mattermost Team Settings will invalidate the channel for use in projects. |
Deleting Channels
Choose the cog icon at top right of the screen to go to Bitbucket Administration.Go to Herzum Amplifier → Team Settings |
To delete a channel from Bitbucket click in the Actions column for the channel you wish to delete. |
Managing Teams/Channels
Choose the cog icon at top right of the screen to go to Bitbucket Administration.Go to Herzum Amplifier → Team Settings | |
Click .Here you can see all teams available for use in your Bitbucket instance. Click to Enable a team.Click to Disable a a team. Click on a team name in the list to display all channels belonging to the team. Here you can enable or disable a team's channels in Bitbucket. Click to Enable a channel.Click to Disable a channel. |
Enable All Teams/Channels
Choose the cog icon at top right of the screen, then choose Manage Appsand click Herzum Mattermost Amplifier Team Settings Administration → Manage apps → Herzum Amplifier for Mattermost → Team Settings |
Click to enable all teams and their channels in Bitbucket. | |
Disable All Teams/Channels
Click their channels in Bitbucket. to disable all teams and | |
Reset to all teams and channels to Default Configuration
Click to reset all team and channel configurations to Default. | |