Create a notification policy

Create a notification policy

To create a policy notification go to  for your project, then Mattermost Settings.

Click the cog icon  for a Project Channel . To create a policy click


Name your policy. If desired enter a JQL Filter. You can send notifications for the following events in JIRA.

Issue Created, Updated, Deleted, Closed or Resolved.

Comment Created, Edited or Deleted.

Link Created or Deleted.

Choose as many events as you wish for notification sending.

Click Save.

JQL Filter: a well-formed JQL statement can be used to filter which JIRA issues will trigger the events for the notifications.

For example: In this notification policy, Mattermost will receive notifications for Issues of type Bug having the component UserInterface.

The policy is Enabled by default.

Click to disable the notification policy.

See here for examples of how notifications are shown in Mattermost.