Using Notification Policies

Using Notification Policies

See the Amplifier for Mattermost for JIRA Project Administration Guide for creating, deleting and editing notification policies. 

JIRA has a complete event subsystem that fires events whenever anything happens inside the application. For example, an ISSUE_CREATED event is fired whenever an issue is created.

To notify Mattermost from JIRA when an issue is created, your JIRA Project Administrator will set up the correct policy.  Then, when an issue is created from JIRA for that project, the designated Mattermost channel will receive a notification. 


A JIRA user creates an issue of type Task in the project HerzumAmplifierDemo (project key HQ).  This project has, for its project channels, the Mattermost channel Amplifier Development.  With an issue created notification policy set for the project, the following notification would be seen in the Amplifier Development channel upon issue creation:

The date/time of creation are shown.  The notification shows the issue type, reporter, assignee, priority, status and resolution status.  A link is provided to the issue in JIRA.

Here are the results seen in Mattermost for all notifications:


Issue Created

Issue Updated - Priority changed.

Issue Deleted

Issue Closed

Issue Resolved

Issue has been linked to another issue.

Issue link deleted

Comment Created

Comment Edited

Comment Deleted