Mattermost Project Settings
Each project in JIRA has it's own Mattermost settings.
In your project click then Mattermost settings under the Herzum Mattermost Connector section. |
Managing the default team for a project.
A project can have default team for channels created for the issues in the project.
The default is set to None on project creation.
To set the default team go to Mattermost project settings. In Team for Issue Channels section choose the team from the drop-list. The team will now be Enabled for the project. Click delete to remove the team as the default team. | |
Managing Project channels
To Enable / Disable Project channels go to Mattermost project settings. In the Project Channels section click .Select a team on the left, the team's channels are displayed. Enable / Disable the channels by clicking on the "Enable" toggle button. |