All administrative functions of Herzum Approval require you to be a user with the Jira Cloud System Administrators global permission.

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The Approval Mappings administration screen allows you to review the configured Approval Mappings.


  • Project: It is the Project name

  • Issue Type: It is the Issue Type name

  • Transition on Approbation and on Rejection: It shows

    • The Name of the Transition is locked until the expected approbations are got

    • The Name of the Transition on rejection (when configured) is locked until the expected rejections are got 

  • Approvals: it lists the names of the Approvals

  • Optional Approvals: it lists the names of the Approvals set as optional

  • Status: it shows an icon that represents the consistency of the Issue Approvals with respect to the configured Mapping

By default, the view of the Approvals configurations is collapsed; you are able to display additional information on the Approval configuration by clicking on the Double Arrow icon.


By default, the view of the Advanced Settings, configured for any Approval Mapping, is collapsed.

You can expand the view of the Advanced Settings by clicking on the Arrow icon.


The Advanced setting section shows the values set for additional configurations relating to an Approval Mapping.

See how to set up these settings on the following pages: