When you install the Herzum Quick Linker add-on into your JIRA instance, the following tables are created in your JIRA database.
The image below shows the HAP Entity Relationship Diagram.
The descriptions of the fields for each of the Herzum Quick Linker tables are detailed below.
Table: AO_3F6548_PARTNERSHIPThe Table holds Partnership configuration data | |
Column | Description |
CONFIG_ID int(11) | Not used. This field supports migration from older versions. |
CONSISTENCY varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
CONSISTENCY_DESTINATION tinyint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
CONSISTENCY_SOURCE tinyint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
DESTINATION_PASSWORD varchar(255) | The Password to login on the Destination URL. |
DESTINATION_URL varchar(255) | Destination URL. |
DESTINATION_USERNAME varchar(255) | The User account to login on the Destination URL. |
ICON_ID int(11) | The Icon Identifier. |
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Partnership Identifier (Primary Key). |
NAME varchar(255) | Partnership Name. |
REMOTE_ID int(11) | Partnership Identifier on the Remote JIRA instance. |
SOURCE_PASSWORD varchar(255) | The Password to login on the Source URL. |
SOURCE_URL varchar(255) | Source URL. |
SOURCE_USERNAME varchar(255) | The User account to login on the Source URL. |
TYPE varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
SOURCE_SERVER_ID varchar(255) | Server Identifier of the source JIRA instance |
DESTINATION_SERVER_ID varchar(255) | Server Identifier of the remote JIRA instance |
Table: AO_3F6548_MAPPINGThe Table holds Mapping configuration data | |
Column | Description |
CONFIG_ID int(11) | Not used. This field supports migration from older versions. |
CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING varchar(255) | Not used. This field supports migration from older versions. |
DESTINATION_ISSUE_TYPE varchar(255) | The "to" Issue Type Identifier. |
DESTINATION_PRIORITY varchar(255) | The priority Identifier for issues created by the escalation post function. |
DESTINATION_PROJECT varchar(255) | The "to" JIRA Project Identifier. |
POPUP_ENABLED tyniint(1) | Not used. This field supports migration from older versions. |
FIELDS varchar(255) | Not used. This field supports migration from older versions. |
HAS_QLFUNCTION tinyint(1) | Admissible values for this field are: |
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Mapping Identifier (Primary Key). |
LABEL varchar(255) | The Button label. |
LINK varchar(255) | Identifier of the JIRA issue Link. |
LINK_TYPE varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
PARTNERSHIP_ID int(11) | The Partnership Identifier. |
REMOTE_MAPPING_ID int(11) | The Remote Mapping Identifier. |
SOURCE_ISSUE_TYPE varchar(255) | The "from" Issue Type Identifier. |
SOURCE_PROJECT varchar(255) | The "from" JIRA Project Identifier. |
LINK_VERSUS_OUT_IN tyniint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
SYSTEM_USER_CREDENTIALS tyniint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
SCHEMA_PATTERN_REL_ID int(11) | Identifier of the Scheme/Pattern association. |
LINK_ACTIONS varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
Table: AO_3F6548_FIELDS_MAPPINGThe Table holds Mapping configuration data for issues field sync | |
Column | Description |
DESTINATION_FIELD_ID varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
DESTINATION_FIELD_NAME varchar(255) | The Destination field description. |
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Field Mapping Identifier (Primary Key). |
MAPPING_ID int(11) | The Mapping Identifier. |
SOURCE_FIELD_ID varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
SOURCE_FIELD_NAME varchar(255) | The Source field description. |
SYNC_DIRECTION varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
SYNC_ENABLED tinyint(1) | When a new mapping is defined two field mappings for comments and attachments are automatically created having SYNC_ENABLED=0. Admissible values for this field are:
SYNCH_ON_CREATE tinyint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
NULL_ON_MISALIGNMENT tinyint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
MAPPING_PATTERN_ID int(11) | The Mapping Pattern Identifier. |
SOURCE_CF_TYPE varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
DESTINATION_CF_TYPE varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
SYNCH_AUTOR tinyint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
Table: AO_3F6548_ISSUES_LINKThe Table holds Issue Link data | |
Column | Description |
DESTINATION_ISSUE_ID bigint(20) | The Identifier of the destination Issue. |
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Issue Link Identifier (Primary Key). |
JIRA_LINK_TYPE varchar(255) | The Identifier of the JIRA Link Type. |
LINK_TYPE varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are: INTERNAL when the target instance is the current instance REMOTE when the target instance is a remote instance. |
MAPPING_ID int(11) | The Mapping Identifier. |
SOURCE_ISSUE_ID bigint(20) | The Identifier of the source Issue. |
RANK_DIN_S int(11) | Maintain the issue ranking source side |
RANK_SIN_S int(11) | Maintain the issue ranking target side |
IS_JIRA_LINK tinyint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
LINK_VERSUS_OUT_IN tinyint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
Table: AO_3F6548_ICONThe Table holds Partnership icon | |
Column | Description |
ICON_ENCODED longtext | The encoded icon uploaded by the user. The value is Null for all icons loaded by default. |
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Icon Identifier (Primary Key). |
IMG_FORMAT varchar(255) | The file format of the icon loaded by the user. The value is Null for all icons loaded by default. |
NAME varchar(255) | The file name. |
TYPE varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
Table: AO_3F6548_CONFIGThe Table holds Global Configuration data | |
Column | Description |
ID int(11) PK | |
STATUS varchar(255) | |
QL_LABEL varchar(255) | Text displayed as label of the Herzum Quick links web panel |
QA_LABEL varchar(255) | Text displayed as label of the Herzum Quick actions web panel |
Table: AO_3F6548_TOKEN_INFOSystem Table maintaining temporary data for sync management | |
Column | Description |
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Token Identifier (Primary Key) |
ISSUE bigint(20) | The Issue Identifier of the issue receiving the token. |
TOKEN varchar(255) | The Token identifier. It is obtained concatenating the strings “SERVER_ID” and ”TOKEN_INFO.ID |
UPDATED_FIELD_LIST varchar(255) | List of synced fields associated to the token. |
CREATION_TIME bigint(20) | Creation time that token is stored, in milliseconds. |
ATTACHMENT_SYNC_LIST longtext | List of synced attachments associated to the token. |
Table: AO_3F6548_SCHEME_PATTERN_RELThe Table holds the associations between Schemes and Mapping Patterns | |
Column | Description |
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Mapping Pattern/Scheme association Identifier (Primary Key) |
MAPPING_PATTERN_ID int(11) | The Mapping Pattern Identifier |
MAPPING_SCHEME_ID int(11) | The Mapping Scheme Identifier |
Table: AO_3F6548_PROJECT_SCHEME_RELThe Table holds the associations between Schemes and Projects | |
Column | Description |
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Mapping Scheme/Project association Identifier (Primary Key) |
MAPPING_SCHEME_ID int(11) | The Mapping Scheme Identifier |
PROJECT_ID bigint(20) | The Project Identifier |
Table: AO_3F6548_MAPPING_SCHEMEThe Table holds the Mapping Schemes | |
Column | Description |
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Mapping Scheme Identifier (Primary Key) |
SCHEME_DENOMINATION varchar(255) | The Mapping Scheme denomination |
Table: AO_3F6548_MAPPING_PATTERNThe Table holds the Mapping Patterns | |
Column | Description |
HQL_LINK_TYPE varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Mapping Pattern Identifier (Primary Key) |
ISSUE_LINK_TYPE bigint(20) | Identifier of the JIRA issue Link. |
LABEL varchar(255) | The Button label. |
LINK_VERSUS_OUT_IN tinyint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
PARTNERSHIP_ID int(11) | The Partnership Identifier. |
SOURCE_ISSUE_TYPE varchar(255) | The "from" Issue Type Identifier. |
SYSTEM_USER_CREDENTIAL tinyint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
TARGET_ISSUE_TYPE varchar(255) | The "to" Issue Type Identifier. |
LINK_ACTIONS varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
Table: AO_3F6548_PERMISSIONSThe Table holds Permissions | |
Column | Description |
ENTITY varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Permission Identifier (Primary Key) |
ISSUE_TYPE_ID varchar(255) | The issue type Identifier |
PROJECT_ID bigint(20) | The project Identifier |
TYPE varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
VALUE varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are: