This page describes the operations performed by the add-on when running one of the operations available on the Troubleshooting and Support screen.
WorkFlow Cleaning
For each workflow, exception made for the Default JIRA Workflow, the routine removes the approval condition on each transition.
Fix User On Approval
For each approval controls if the comma separete for uses is different of ",", if it's true set the comma separete to ","
Check Configuration Fof Approval Mapping
For each Approval check on the Users field if the user list separator is a comma. If the check returns true, the ',' is replaced by '&'.
Add permision on User_AWT
Check Approval Mapping
for each ApprovalMapping chek if substantial, if it is not true remove all ApprovalMappingRel and ApprovalMRA associated of ApprovalMapping to it
Check Approval Projects
Check Issue Approval
for each IssueApproval of type ISSUE_APPROVAL_TYPE_FOR_SINGLE_ISSUE check if the HasConfiguratioForSingleIssue is correctly setting , else get the Issue Object, if exist delete the issueApproval
Check Aapproval Projects
for each approvalProjects check if this project exist , if not exist delete the approvalProjects
Check Approval Definers
for each approval definers check if associated project exist, if not exist delete the approvaldefiners, if not:
- find all issueType associated with the project
- find all ApprovalDefiners associated with the project
for each approvalDefiner found if is not associated with any IssueType belonging with project delete the approvalDefiners
Reindex All Issue Approvals
for each distinct Issue Approval reindex Single Issue
Add Conditions In Each Workflow
for each workflow that is not instance of JIra Default Workflow setting Workflow Condition
if exist issue to be Refreshed return number of issue, if not return reindex message
WorkFlow Cleaning
For each workflow, exception made for the Default JIRA Workflow, the routine removes the approval condition on each transition.
If all workflows have been successful cleaned a message informing is returned.
If any workflow has not been successful cleaned a message reports the list of workflows still affected by Approval conditions.