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elow you can find some potential issues that you may be running into, as well as the way to fix them.

Table of Contents


AnchorPCPCPartnership Configuration issues


When clicking on the save button on the Herzum Quick Linker Partnership Configuration screen you get a Warning Message:


You cannot perform this action. The remote server is not reachable or user is invalid. Please try later. 

If you encounter this alert check the following:

  • user exists and password is correct
  • user applied as Source Credential has the permission to log on the Source JIRA Instance
  • user applied as Destination Credential has the permission to log on the Target JIRA Instance
  • the JIRA instance on the remote server is reachable (via the Test Connection button)
  • the Herzum Quick Linker add-on installed on the remote JIRA instance is enabled and licence is valid.

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    Herzum Quick Linker

    Below you can find some potential issues that you may be running into, as well as the way to fix them.

    Table of Contents


    Partnership Configuration issues


    When clicking on the save button on the Herzum Quick Linker Partnership Configuration screen you get a Warning Message:


    "Source URL" must be this instance's Base URL.

    If you encounter this alert, check the Source instance Base URL on

    • System→ General configuration->Base URL
    • Case of HTTPS URL, the connector directive in the Tomcat server.xml file:

    Image Added


    When clicking on the save button on the Herzum Quick Linker Partnership Configuration screen you get a Warning Message:


    Destination URL is invalid.

    If you encounter this alert, check the Destination instance Base URL on

    • System→ General configuration->Base URL
    • Connector directive in the Tomcat server.xml file:
      • proxyName

      • scheme

    Image AddedImage Added


    When clicking on the save button on the Herzum Quick Linker Partnership Configuration screen you get a Warning Message:


    Failure authenticating with Source Username when calling source URL from source URL 

    If you encounter this alert, check the Source Username exists, it is active, it is a Jira user and password is correct.

    Image Added


    When clicking on the save button on the Herzum Quick Linker Partnership Configuration screen you get a Warning Message:


    Failure authenticating with Destination Username when calling destination URL from source URL

    If you encounter this alert, check the Destination Username exists, it is active, it is a Jira user and password is correct

    Image Added


    When editing the Destination URL in the Partnership Configuration screen you get a Warning Message:


    Destination URL is inconsistent with old instance.

    If you encounter this alert, you are trying to perform an illegal action:

    it's not allowed to transform an existing local partnership into a remote partnership.

    Image Added


    When clicking on the Herzum Quick Linker Main Partnership Configuration screen you get a Warning Message:


    Some partnerships are inactive (the inactive partnerships are displayed in red/orange text). It could depend on temporary connection troubles or setting parameters inconsistencies.

    If you encounter this alert it's due the Jira instance on the remote server isn't reachable or the provided credentials aren't valid anymore.

    If the problem is caused by invalid credentials, you can encounter the following scenarios:

    • the inactive partership is turned in red: you can edit it, update the user/password configured as source/destination credential and save.
    • the inactive partership is turned in orange: you can edit it but you are allowed to update only the user/password configured as destination credential.

    Image Added

    Herzum Quick Linker Main Partnership Configuration screen


    When clicking on the an Herzum Quick Linker Main Partnership Configuration screen Action button to create and link a new issue you get a Warning Message:

    Some partnerships are inactive (the inactive partnerships are displayed in red/orange text). It could depend on temporary connection troubles or setting parameters inconsistencies.
    titleHQL Message: Permission Violation

    Creation permission has not been provided for the target Project.

    If you think this message is wrong, please contact your JIRA administrators

    If you encounter this alert it's due the JIRA instance on the remote server isn't reachable or the provided credentials aren't valid anymore.

    If the problem is caused by invalid credentials, you can encounter the following scenarios:

    • the inactive partership is turned in red: you can edit it, update the user/password configured as source/destination credential and save.
    • the inactive partership is turned in orange: you can edit it but you are allowed to update only the user/password configured as destination credential.


    Image Removed

    Herzum Quick Linker Main Partnership Configuration screen

    invalid credentials allowing issue creation and linking.

    In order to fix that follow /wiki/spaces/HQL/pages/311922007.

    Image Added

    HQL Message: Permission Violation

    Mapping Configuration issues


    When clicking on an the Herzum Quick Linker Action button to create and link a new issue Main Mapping Configuration screen you get a Warning Message:


    When clicking on the Herzum Quick Linker Main Mapping Configuration screen you get a Warning Message:


    Some mappings are inactive (the inactive mappings are displayed in red/orange text). It could depend on Partnership inactivation or setting parameters inconsistencies. Please, update setting parameters to enable them.

    If you encounter this alert it's due:

    • the partnership is not active
    • the configured mapping is no more consistent with data in JIRA cause of:
      • source project key has been updated
      • target project key has been updated
      • source issue type doesn't exist anymore or it isn't still active for the source project
      • destination issue type doesn't exist anymore or it isn't still active for the destination project
      • has been dropped on the source JIRA instance

    If the problem is due an incosistent Mapping configuration, you can encounter the following scenarios:

  • the inactive mapping is turned in red: you can update data and save.
  • the inactive mapping is turned in orange: you cannot edit it; the configured mapping can be activated only via the Herzum Quick Linker Mapping Configuration screen of theremote JIRA instance joining the partnership.Image Removed
    titleHQL Message: Permission Violation

    Creation permission has not been provided for the target Project.

    If you think this message is wrong, please contact your JIRA administrators

    If you encounter this alert it's due invalid credentials allowing issue creation and linking.

    In order to fix that follow /wiki/spaces/HQL/pages/311922007.





    Image Removed

    HQL Message: Permission Violation

    AnchorMCMCMapping Configuration issues

    Some mappings are inactive (the inactive mappings are displayed in red/orange text). It could depend on Partnership inactivation or setting parameters inconsistencies. Please, update setting parameters to enable them.

    If you encounter this alert it's due:

    • the partnership is not active
    • the configured mapping is no more consistent with data in Jira cause of:
      • source project key has been updated
      • target project key has been updated
      • source issue type doesn't exist anymore or it isn't still active for the source project
      • destination issue type doesn't exist anymore or it isn't still active for the destination project
      • has been dropped on the source Jira instance

    If the problem is due an incosistent Mapping configuration, you can encounter the following scenarios:

    • the inactive mapping is turned in red: you can update data and save.
    • the inactive mapping is turned in orange: you cannot edit it; the configured mapping can be activated only via the Herzum Quick Linker Mapping Configuration screen of theremote Jira instance joining the partnership.

    Image Added

    Herzum Quick Linker Main Mapping Configuration screen


    When clicking on the Herzum Quick Linker Main Mapping Configuration screen you get a Warning Message:


    Any link can be created. Issue linking is deactivate or not exist any.

    If you encounter this alert it's due:

    • have been dropped on the source Jira instance
    • issue Linking has been deactivated.

    Image Added

    Herzum Quick Linker Main Mapping Configuration screen


    When clicking on the Herzum Quick Linker Main Mapping Configuration screen you configuring a new Mapping or updating an existing one, on save, you get a Warning Message:


    Any link can be created. Issue linking is deactivate or not exist anyDuplicated value. Change the Button Label.

    If you encounter this alert it's due:

    have been dropped on the source JIRA instance or Issue Linking has been deactivated.

    Image Removeda mapping has been already configured having same partnership, source project, source issue type and button label.

    You must change at least one of the listed parameters and then save.    

     Image Added

    Herzum Quick Linker Main Mapping Configuration screen


    When configuring a new Mapping or updating an existing one, on save,  you you get a Warning Message:

     Image Removed

    Duplicated value. Change the Button Label.

    If you encounter this alert it's due:

    a mapping has been alredy configured having same partnership, source project, source issue type, target project, target issue type and button label.

    You must change at least one of the listed paremeter and then save.    


    Mapping can't be created. If destination issue type is a sub task Source Project must correspond to Destination Project.

    If you encounter this alert it's due:

    • you are trying to configure a mapping having as destination issue type a Sub-task issue type and  as target project a project different from the source project: this configuration isn't allowed
    • you are trying to configure a mapping having  as destination issue type a Sub-task issue type and partnership is configured toward a remote url: this configuration isn't allowed.

     Image Added

    Herzum Quick Linker Mapping Configuration screen


    When configuring a new Mapping or updating an existing one, on savethe Fields Mappings for a given Mapping, on adding it, you get a Warning Message: 


    Mapping can't be created. If destination issue type is a sub task Source Project must correspond to Destination ProjectA fields mapping for selected fields exists already.

    If you encounter this alert it's due:

    • you are trying to configure
    a mapping having as destination issue type a Sub-task issue type and  as target project a project different from the source project: this configuration isn't allowed
  • you are trying to configure a mapping having  as destination issue type a Sub-task issue type and partnership is configured toward a remote url: this configuration isn't allowed.
  •  Image Removed
    • a field mapping having same source and target fields of an existing one.

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    Herzum Quick Linker Mapping Configuration screen


    When configuring the Fields the Fields Mappings for a given Mappinggiven Mapping, on adding it, you get a Warning Message: 


    A fields mapping for selected fields exists alreadyFields mapping is inconsistent.

    If you encounter this alert it's due:


    due you are trying to configure a not allowed field mapping

    having same sorce/target fields of an existing one.

    Image Removed.

    Review /wiki/spaces/HQL/pages/313395897 Guide for further details on allowed fields mappings.

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    Herzum Quick Linker Mapping Configuration screen

    Escalate Post function issues


    When transitioning the issue status, you get a Warning Message:

    titleWorkflow Error

    Quick Linker Alert: Escalating issue failure. Required action can't be executed cause wrong Mapping Configuration

    It seems that you have tried to perform an illegal workflow operation.                   

    If you think this message is wrong, please contact your JIRA Jira administrators.

     If you encounter this alert it's due:

    • the partnership selected as input for the escalate issue post function configured on the workflow transition is inactive
    • at least one mapping configured for the partnership selected as input for the escalate issue post function configured on the workflow transition is inactive

    If the problem is due an inactive Partnership you can fix that by accessing to the Herzum Quick Linker Main Partnership Configuration screen and following instructions provided for Partnership Configuration issues.

    If the problem is due an inactive Mapping you can fix that by accessing to the Herzum Quick Linker Main Mapping Configuration screen and following instructions provided for Mapping Configuration issues.

    Issue screen


    When transitioning the issue status, you get a Warning Message:

    titleWorkflow Error

    Quick Linker Alert: You don't have any or some of the required permissions allowing to escalate issue.

    It seems that you have tried to perform an illegal workflow operation.

    If you think this message is wrong, please contact your JIRA Jira administrators.

    If you encounter this alert it's due the user configured on the partnership as destination credentials has not the required grants on the target project.

    Follow /wiki/spaces/HQL/pages/311922007 to fix that.

    Issue screen


    When displaying the post functions configured for a workflow transition, you get the Message:


    Herzum - Quick Linker Plugin - Escalate Issue Configuration:  No associated Partnership.

    If you encounter this alert it's due:

    the partnership selected as input for the escalate issue post function configured on the workflow transition is inactive.

    In order to fix that:

    • click on edit, update parameters of the Escalate Issue Function and save.
    • access to the Herzum Quick Linker Main Partnership Configuration screen and follow instructions provided for Partnership Configuration issues.

    Workflow's transition configuration screen

    Quick Actions Issues


    When clicking on one button on the Quick Actions  panel you get the Message:

    titleHQL Message: Partnership or Mapping Disabled

    To enable it, please check Herzum Quick Linker Partnership or Mapping Configuration

    If you encounter this alert it's due:

    • the configured partnership mapping is inactivethe configured mapping is inactive
    • one or more mappings have been configured toward an partnership that is deactivate.

    In order to fix that:

    • access to the Herzum Quick Linker Main Partnership Mapping Configuration screen and following instructions follow instructions provided for Partnership Mapping Configuration issues
    • access to the Herzum Quick Linker Main Mapping Partnership Configuration screen and follow instructions following instructions provided for Mapping Partnership Configuration issues.

    Issue screen

    When displaying the issue the Quick Actions  panel you get the Message:


    Some mapping partnerships are inactive. To enable them, please check setting parameters on Herzum Quick Linker Mapping Partnership Configuration

    If you encounter this alert it's due:

    • the configured partnership is inactive
    • the configured mapping is inactiveone or more mappings have been configured toward a partnership that has been deactivated.

    In order to fix that:

    When clicking on the Button to create and linking a new issue you get the Message:


    Creation permission has not been provided for the target Project.

     If you think this message is wrong, please contact your JIRA Administrators

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    Issue screen

    Image Added

    Issue screen

    When displaying the Quick Links on the Herzum Quick Links panel you get the Message: Issue Link not available.

    If you encounter this alert it's due:

    • the current issue has been linked via a remote mapping that has been configured toward a partnership that is deactivate.

    In order to fix that:

    • contact the Jira Administrators of the remote Jira instance asking to activate the partnership.

    Image Added

    Herzum Quick Links panel 

    When displaying the Quick Links on the Herzum Quick Links panel you get the Message: Missing Link type.

    If you encounter this alert it's due the user configured on the partnership as destination credentials has not the required grants on the target project.Follow due the issue link type has been deleted.


    In order to fix that review /wiki/spaces/HQL/pages/

    311922007 to

    312673710 asking to the Database Administrator to fix that.

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    Issue screen

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    Herzum Quick Links panel 

    When clicking on the Button to link an existing create and linking a new issue you get the Message:


    Browsing Creation permission has not been provided for the target Project.

     If you think this message is wrong, please contact your JIRA administratorsyour Jira Administrators

    If you encounter this alert it's due the user configured on  as destination credentials on the partnership as destination credentials has not the required grants on the target project.

    Follow /wiki/spaces/HQL/pages/311922007 to fix that.

    Image RemovedImage Added

    Issue screen

    When clicking on the Button to create and linking a new link an existing issue you get the Message:


    Linking Browsing permission has not been provided for source or target Project.

    If you think this message is wrong, please contact your JIRA your JIRA administrators

    If you encounter this alert it's due the user configured on the partnership as destination credentials has not the required grants on the target project.

    Follow /wiki/spaces/HQL/pages/311922007 to fix that.

    Image RemovedImage Added

    Issue screen

    When clicking on the Button to link an existing create and linking a new issue you get the Message:


    Linking permission has not been provided for source or target Project.

    If you think this message is wrong, please contact your JIRA JIRA administrators

    If you encounter this alert it's due the user configured on the partnership as destination credentials has not the required grants on the target project.

    Follow /wiki/spaces/HQL/pages/311922007 to fix that.

    Issue screen

    When editing Affect Ver., Custom fields, Summary or Description, on the issue Edit Screen, a new Comment is added as reported bellow:

    titleUser added a comment - day H:MM AM/PM
    HQL sync field error message
    Field synchronization can't be performed: user in partnership hasn't "Edit Issue" permission.

    When clicking on the Button to link an existing issue you get the Message:


    Linking permission has not been provided for source or target Project.

    If you think this message is wrong, please contact your JIRA administrators

    If you encounter this alert it's due the user configured on the partnership as destination credentials has not the required grants on the target project.

    Follow /wiki/spaces/HQL/pages/311922007


    Image Removed to fix that.

    Image Added

    Issue screen

    When editing the Affect/Fix Version/s, Component/s, Assignee, Reporter, Priority, Custom fields, Summary or Description, on the issue Edit Screen,  a a new Comment is added as reported bellow:

    titleUser added a comment - day H:MM AM/PM

     HQL sync field error message
    Fix Version/s Field synchronization can't be performed: user in partnership hasn't "Resolve IssuesEdit Issue" permission. Issue Hyperlink

    If you encounter this alert it's due the user configured on  as destination credentials on the partnership as destination credentials has not the required grants on the target project.

    Follow /wiki/spaces/HQL/pages/311922007Image Removed

    Image Added

    Issue screen

    When editing the AssigeeFix Version, on the issue Edit Screen, a new Comment is added as reported bellow:HQL sync field error message :

    titleUser added a comment - day H:MM AM/PM

    HQL sync field error message
    Fix Version/s synchronization can't be performed: user in partnership hasn't "Assign Resolve Issues" permission. Issue Hyperlink

    If you encounter this alert it's due the user configured on the partnership as destination credentials has not the required grants on the target project.

    Follow /wiki/spaces/HQL/pages/311922007Image Removed

    Image Added

    Issue screen

    When adding an AttachmentWhen editing the Assigee, on the issue Edit Screen, a new Comment is added as reported bellow:

    HQL sync field error message 

    titleUser added a comment - day H:MM AM/PM

    HQL sync field error message

    Attachment  Assignee synchronization can't be performed: user in partnership hasn't "Create AttachmentAssign Issues" permission.  Issue Hyperlink

    If you encounter this alert it's due the user configured on the partnership as destination credentials has not the required grants on the target project.

    Follow /wiki/spaces/HQL/pages/311922007Image Removed

    Image Added

    Issue screen

    When editing the ReporterWhen adding an Attachment, on the issue Edit Screen, a new Comment is added as reported bellow:

    titleUser added a comment - day H:MM AM/PM

    HQL sync field error message

    Attachment synchronization can't be performed: user in partnership hasn't "Modify Reporter Create Attachment" permission. Issue Hyperlink

    If you encounter this alert it's due the user configured on the partnership as destination credentials has not the required grants on the target project.

    Follow /wiki/spaces/HQL/pages/311922007Image Removed

    Image Added

    Issue screen

    When editing the Affects/Fix Version/sReporter, on the issue Edit Screen, a new Comment is added on the Source and on the Target Issue as reported bellow:

    titleUser added a comment - day H:MM AM/PM

    HQL sync field error message 

    Affects/Fix Version/s: List of selected Affects/Fix Version/s doesn't found for synchronization.Reporter synchronization can't be performed: user in partnership hasn't "Modify Reporter " permission. Issue Hyperlink

    If you encounter this alert it's due selected Affects/Fix Version/s are not admissible for the Target Project.

    Align Version/s for Source/Target Project to allow Version/s syncing to work properly.

    Image Removed

    Issue screen

    When editing the Component/s, on the issue Edit Screen, a new Comment is added on the Source and on the Target Issue as reported bellowthe user configured on the partnership as destination credentials has not the required grants on the target project.

    Follow /wiki/spaces/HQL/pages/311922007.

    Image Added

    Issue screen

    The following Comment is displayed:

    titleUser added a comment - day H:MM AM/PM

    HQL sync field error message 

    Component/s: "List of selected Component/s" doesn't found for synchronization.Add Comment synchronization can't be performed: user in partnership hasn't "Add Comments" permission. Issue Hyperlink

    If you encounter this alert it's due the selected Component/s are not admissible for the Target Project.

    Align Component/s for Source/Target Project to allow Component/s syncing to work properly.

    Image Removed

    Issue screen

    When editing the Priority, on the issue Edit Screen, a new Comment is added on the Source and on the Target Issue the user configured on the partnership as destination credentials has not the required grants on the target project.

    Follow /wiki/spaces/HQL/pages/311922007.

    Image Added

    Issue screen

    When deleting a Comment, a new Comment is added as reported bellow:

    titleUser added a comment - day H:MM AM/PM

    HQL sync field error message 

    Priority: "Selected Priority" doesn't found for synchronization.Delete Comment synchronization can't be performed: user in partnership hasn't "Edit Comments" permission. Issue Hyperlink

    If you encounter this alert it's due the selected Priority is not admissible for the Target JIRA instance.

    Align Priority/ies configured on the Source/Target JIRA instances to allow Priority/ies syncing to work properly.

    Image Removeddue the user configured on the partnership as destination credentials has not the required grants on the target project.

    Follow /wiki/spaces/HQL/pages/311922007.

    Image Added

    Issue screen

    When editing the Assignee on the issue Edit Screen, a new Comment is added on the Source and on the Target Issue a Comment, a new Comment is added as reported bellow:

    titleUser added a comment - day H:MM AM/PM

    HQL sync field error message 

    Assignee: "Selected Assignee" doesn't found for synchronization.Edit Comment synchronization can't be performed: user in partnership hasn't "Edit Comments" permission. Issue Hyperlink

    If you encounter this alert it's due the selected Assignee is not admissible for the Target Project/JIRA Instance.

    Align admissible Assignee on the Source/Target Projects/JIRA instances to allow Assignee syncing to work properly.

    Image Removed

    Issue screen

    When editing the Reporter the user configured on the partnership as destination credentials has not the required grants on the target project.

    Follow /wiki/spaces/HQL/pages/311922007.

    Image Added

    Issue screen

    When editing the Affects/Fix Version/s, Component/s, Assignee, Reporter or Priority on the issue Edit Screen, a new Comment is added on the Source and on the Target Issue as reported bellow:

    titleUser added a comment - day H:MM AM/PM

    HQL sync field error message Reporter: "Selected Reporter" doesn't found for synchronization.

    Affects/Fix Version/s/Component/s/Priority/Assignee/Reporter: List of selected Affects/Fix Version/s  not exist on target. Issue Hyperlink

    If you encounter this alert it's due the selected Reporter is selected Affects/Fix Version/s, Component/s, Assignee, Reporter or Priority are not admissible for the Target Project/JIRA Instance.

    Align admissible Reporter on the Source/Target Projects/JIRA instances to allow Reporter syncing to work properly.

    Image Removed.

    Align Affects/Fix Version/s, Component/s, Assignee, Reporter, Priority on Source/Target Project/JIRA instance to allow synchronization.

    Image Added

    Issue screen

    When editing the issue a new Comment is added on the Source and on the Target Issue as reported bellow:

    titleUser added a comment - day H:MM AM/PM

    HQL sync field error message 

    Field 1: "Field Value "edited data" is not valid for "edited field"" .....Field n: "Field Value" can not be synchronized. Issue Hyperlink

    If you encounter this alert it's due the target issue isn't editable (e.g. issue status is 'Closed').Image Removed

    Image Added

    Issue screen