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Approval delegation is a feature that


allows users with approval rights to delegate, in a specified time range, per project and issue type, their approval authority to another user

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By default the functionality is disabled. As a JIRA Administrator, follow the Preliminary Setting guideline in order to enable the feature


Approvers can set a delegation for the existing and new pending approval requests to another approver.

The Start  and End delegation dates are considered with respect to the 'Approval Submission date' and not respect to the 'Current date'.

Both the approver and the delegated approver can take action

on pending

(Approve, Reject, Abstain) on the approval requests via email or on

behalf of


original approver


The delegated approver

cannot reverse the actions performed by the Delegator.The delegated

is recorded as the executor of the approval action.

Delegated approver limitations include the following:

  • the approval authority cannot be further re-delegated.

The delegated will be recorded as the executor of theaction. Info
  • the delegated approver cannot reverse a decision taken by the delegator


    A delegated can reverse his own actions.

  • cannot perform the Bulk approbations.

If an user is able to take an action on the approval request as approver and as a delegated approver, the performed action is considered as performed as an effective approver and not as a delegated.

In this section

Table of Contents

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Preliminary Setting

As a JIRA Administrator, navigate the Approval General Settings section on the Global Configuration administration screen (Add-ons → Herzum Approval → Global Configurations).

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Enable Approval Delegation:

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How to Manage delegated approvers

The Manage delegated approvers screen allows you to perform the following actions:

  • Add delegated approvers

  • Notify the delegation to the delegated user 

  • Notify Pending Approvals to the delegated user

  • Update the delegations

  • Delete the delegations

Navigate the Approval menu on your Jira menu bar and select Manage delegated approvers in order perform the actions mentioned above.

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Add delegated approver

Navigate the Manage delegated approvers and press Add.

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Fill up all the fields in the Add delegated approverapproval form and press Add.

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Find below the description of the fields displayed in the form:

  • Delegated User (Required) is the username of the person having privileges to approve or reject approval requests on behalf of the original approver. 
    The delegated user receives the same approval requests as the delegator. 
    The delegated approver can't reassign approval requests.
  • Project (RequiredOptional) is the project to whom the issues pending for the approval requests belongs to
  • Issue Type (Optional), is the issue type to whom the issues pending for the approval requests belongs to
  • Start date (Optional) and End date (Optional), the delegated user has privileges to approve or reject approval requests submitted in the specified time range. 


    If no Project is specified, all approval requests  are considered, independently by the Project.

    If  Project is specified but not issue Type is specified, all approval requests  relating to the selected Project are considered, independently by the Issue Type

    If no Start date and End date are specified, all approval requests  are considered, independently by the submission date.

Notify the delegation to the delegated user

As a delegator, you are able to send a delegation email to inform the delegated of the received approval privileges and responsibility.

Navigate the Manage delegated approvers screen and press Notify Delegation:

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The delegation email informs the Delegated about the delegation's validity time range, who the Delegator is, the Project and the Issue Type for which the delegated authority is in effect.

The View pending approval requests link redirects Pending Approvals links redirect to the JIRA Search Navigator and it allows provide the capability to display the list of issues belonging to the specified Project and Issue type, pending approval from the delegated and submitted in the time range for which the delegated authority is in effect.

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Notify Pending Approvals to the delegated user

When a new delegation is created, the delegated user starts from the specified Start Date until the specified End Data to receive the same approval requests as the delegator.

As a delegator, you are able to create an approval  delegation having a Start date in the past

The delegated is not automatically notified for approval requests submitted in the past.

The Manage delegated approvers screen allows the delegator to send massively the Approval Request emails for each pending approval,  submitted in the specified time range, having a Submit date in the past.

It allows the delegated to approve via email the pending approval requests submitted in the past.

In order to send massively the Approval Request emails for each pending approval,  submitted in the specified time range, having a Submit date in the past, navigate the Manage delegated approvers screen and press Notify Pending Approvals:Image Removed

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Update the delegations

Navigate the Manage delegated approvers and press Edit.

You are able to change any previously inserted data.

Delete the delegations

Navigate the Manage delegated approvers and press Delete.

This action revokes the approval authority immediately.

How to Manage approvals delegated to me

Manage approvals delegated to me Screen

Navigate the Approval menu on your Jira menu bar and select Manage approvals delegated to me

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The Manage Approvals Delegated To Me screen allows you, as delegated, to display per project, issue type ,delegator, start and end date, the number of issues pending approval. 

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On clicking the Pending Approvals displayed number, the JIRA search navigator displays in a new tab displays in the JIRA search navigator and shows the list of issues pending approval in detail.


Issues Pending For my Approval as Delegated

The Available Filters section includes the option My Pending For Delegated Approval.

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As a delegated, you are able to display in the JIRA Search Navigator all the issues pending your approval consequently to all received delegations.

Approval delegation in action