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You must have the JIRA Jira System Administrators global permission before you can carry out the instructions on this page.


The Conditional Rules Administration screen let you able to create Conditions that you can apply on: 

  • Approval Mappings and Single Issue Approval configurations, in order to
    • require the approvals, only if the condition returns true
    • let transition the issue if the condition returns true depending by the number of approbations or rejections
    • enable one, more Super Approvers when the conditional expression, evaluated for an issue, returns true
  • Approval E-mail Templates, in order to
    • send emails having high priority when the condition returns
    • true 
    • enable the usage of a given template for the Approval Request or Reply Emails when the condition returns true  (New with Version 4.41)
  • Approvals , in order to
    • enable the Approval when the conditional expression, evaluated for an issue, returns true

Notice that you can reuse a Conditional Rule across different Approval Mappings, Single Issue Approval, Approval E-mail Templates and Approvals.


Table of Contents


The Conditional Rules Administration screen looks like as follows:

The Conditional Rules Administration screen allows you to add, edit, delete and review your  Conditional Rule configurations.

Furthermore, when moving the mouse upon the data under the Assigned Approval, Assigned Template, Assigned Mapping, Assigned Issues columns , a window, detailing when the Conditional Rule is applied, shows up.

Preliminary setup

Before you can create Conditional Rules, you must set up Conditional Rule Main Settings.

  1. Click Main Settings on the top of the Conditional Rules Administration screen.
  2. On the Conditional Rule Settings screen, fill the User field  with an username you must select the user that the app can app will use to evaluate the conditional ruleConditional rule .


    When updating the selected On selecting a different user, the app remove the update the permissions grants the permissions to the new user and revokes the permissions to the previous user accordingly.

    Image Removed

    The app will  grant the selected user browsing privileges on any project. Image Added

    By default, the app grants browsing permissions on all Jira Projects to the selected user.

    You can choose to disable this automatism by turning Off the Grant Browsing Permissions Automatically option.


How to create a Conditional Rule

  1. Click Add Conditional Rule to create a new Conditional Rule

  2. Fill the fields  showing up on the Conditional Rule Configuration screen
    1. Rule Name (Required, Not editable)
    2. Conditional Rule (Required), the fields expects a valid structured queries using the JIRA Jira Query Language (JQL) 
    3. User used to evaluate the conditional rule
      1. choose the option Super User, if you want that the Conditional Rule is evaluated via the credential of the user selected on the Conditional Rule Main Settings (Default)

      2. choose the option Current User, if you want that the Conditional Rule is evaluated via the logged user credentials

      3. choose the option Reporter, if you want that the Conditional Rule is evaluated via the reporter credentials
      4. choose the option Assignee, if you want that the Conditional Rule is evaluated via the assignee credentials
      5. choose the option Project Lead, if you want that the Conditional Rule is evaluated via the project lead credentials
      6. select a single user picker custom field, if you want that the Conditional Rule is evaluated via the user selected on the selected user picker Custom Field.


        You can choose only one of the options listed above.


        If the selected User used to evaluate the conditional rule is null (e.g. reporter= Anonymous, assignee=Unassigned, current user =null, user selected on the user picker Custom Field=null) the condition will return false.

    Click the hand lens to to validate JQL syntax.  A window let you know if the Conditional Rule is valid
      1. .

    Image Removed
  3. Click Save.  

Editing a Conditional Rule

You are able to update an existing Conditional Rule.

The majority of the filled fields can be updated, exception made for the Rule Name. 

Deleting a Conditional Rule 

When deleting a Conditional Rule not yet associated to any Approval, Approval Mapping, Single Issue Approval configuration or email Template, the application doesn't ask to confirm.

If any configuration, requiring the Conditional Rule, exists, the application asks to confirm the deletion of the Conditional Rule.

Validity of the Conditional Rule expression


Conditional Rule validity  is based on the following variables:

  • validity of the user selected on the Conditional Rule Main Settings 
  • validity of the Conditional Rule expression.

Here we details This section illustrates which changes have impact on Conditional Rule validity and how to restore ityou can fix them. 

Notice that when a conditional rule is retrieved invalid the condition is assumed as not set and the user is alerted as showed on the following screenshot:


Validity of the user selected on the Conditional Rule Main Settings 


In order to evaluate a Conditional Rule via the credential of the user selected on the Conditional Rule Main Settings, the selected user needs Browsing permission on the Project using the Conditional Rule.


Changes having impact on user validity  and the correct way to restore Conditional rule validity are listed below:


  • user is deactivated 


    Upgrade  the Conditional Rule Main Settings by selecting a different user.

  • username is updated 


    When updating the selected user, the app automatically grants the selected user of the Browsing permission on all Projects.

  • user is deleted  


    Upgrade  the Conditional Rule Main Settings by selecting a different user.

  • user has no Browsing permission on a new Permission Schema


    You have two options: manually grants the user of the Browsing permission or just navigates the Conditional Rule Main Settings and click Save.

Validity of the Conditional Rule expression

The Conditional rule expression expects a query using the JIRA Jira Query Language (JQL) sintax.

When creating or updating a Conditional rule expression the JQL check button confirms the validity of the expression.

You are able to save valid Conditional Rules exclusively.