Slash commands - execute shortcuts via slash command to perform something in JIRA
Can create a JIRA issue from a Mattermost channel by using the
slash command /jcreate. In a Mattermost channel type /jcreate.
Choose which project in which to create the JIRA issue from the drop list.
Info |
A user will only see projects for which they have access to in JIRA. |
In the Create a new ticket dialog choose
- Issue type
- Summary
- Description (optional)
When a team is created in Mattermost the above slash commands are added for team (MM Admin \ Integrations)
When a team is disabled in JIRA the above slash commands are removed for team (MMAdmin \ Integrations)
EXAMPLESSlash commands are shortcuts for specific actions. Use slash commands to perform something in JIRA from a Mattermost channel.
Child pages (Children Display) |