You can use the Minimum Required approbations and rejections rules to specify if the approval step can be considered approved or rejected based on subset of stakeholders reply.
- Navigate the Conditional Rules Administration screen, go to Add Conditional Rule
- Insert the Rule Name and edit the Conditional Rule by inserting a filter that respects the Jira Query Language syntax
- Navigate the Approval Mapping Configuration screen that you want to edit, go to Advanced Settings > Minimum Required approbations/rejections conditioned.
- Click Add minimum required approbations or Add minimum required rejections
- Select the Conditional Rule
- Setup the minimum required approbations or the minimum required rejections choosing between the following options:
All, choose this option to allow the transition only when all requested approvals have been approved
None, choose this option to allow the transition always
Percentage, insert an integer major of 0 and minor of one-hundred representing the percentage of approvals allowing the transition.
Fixed Number, insert an integer major of 0 to allow the transition when the indicated number of approvals is reached.
Notice that if the fixed number is major then requested approvals, this setting is equivalent to 'ALL'
The following screen illustrates the settings by example:
Set up a Minimum Required approbations and rejections unconditioned