You can use the Minimum Required approbations and rejections rules to specify if the approval step can be considered approved or rejected based on subset of stakeholders reply.
- Navigate the Conditional Rules Administration screen, go to Add Conditional Rule
- Insert the Rule Name and edit the Conditional Rule by inserting a filter that respects the Jira Query Language syntax
- Navigate the Approval Mapping Configuration screen that you want to edit, go to Advanced Settings > Minimum Required approbations/rejections conditioned.
- Click Add minimum required approbations or Add minimum required rejections
- Select the Conditional Rule
- Setup the minimum required approbations or the minimum required rejections choosing between the following options:
All, choose this option to allow the transition only when all requested approvals have been approved
None, choose this option to allow the transition always
Percentage, insert an integer major of 0 and minor of one-hundred representing the percentage of approvals allowing the transition.
Fixed Number, insert an integer major of 0 to allow the transition when the indicated number of approvals is reached.
Notice that if the fixed number is major then requested approvals, this setting is equivalent to 'ALL'
- for expenses greater then
- the approval step can be considered approved if All stakeholders approve
- the approval step can be considered rejected if 1 stakeholder reject
- for expenses in the range
- the approval step can be considered approved if it receives the 50% of approbations
- the approval step can be considered rejected if it receives the 50% of rejections
- for expenses that are less than $100
- the approval step can be considered approved if it receives 1 approbation
- the approval step can be considered rejected if All stakeholders reject
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