When you install the Herzum Quick Linker add-on app into your JIRA Jira instance, the following tables are created in your JIRA Jira database.
: Table of Contents
The image below shows the HAP Entity Relationship Diagram.
The descriptions of the fields for each of the Herzum Quick Linker tables are detailed below.
Table: AO_3F6548_PARTNERSHIPThe Table holds Partnership configuration data | |
Column | Description |
CONFIG_ID int(11) | Not used. This field supports migration from older versions. |
CONSISTENCY varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
CONSISTENCY_DESTINATION tinyint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
CONSISTENCY_SOURCE tinyint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
DESTINATION_PASSWORD varchar(255) | The Password to login on the Destination URL. |
DESTINATION_URL varchar(255) | Destination URL. |
DESTINATION_USERNAME varchar(255) | The User account to login on the Destination URL. |
ICON_ID int(11) | The Icon Identifier. |
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Partnership Identifier (Primary Key). |
NAME varchar(255) | Partnership Name. |
REMOTE_ID int(11) | Partnership Identifier on the Remote JIRA Jira instance. |
SOURCE_PASSWORD varchar(255) | The Password to login on the Source URL. |
SOURCE_URL varchar(255) | Source URL. |
SOURCE_USERNAME varchar(255) | The User account to login on the Source URL. |
TYPE varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
SOURCE_SERVER_ID varchar(255) | Server Identifier of the source JIRA Jira instance |
DESTINATION_SERVER_ID varchar(255) | Server Identifier of the remote JIRA Jira instance |
Table: AO_3F6548_MAPPINGThe Table holds Mapping configuration data | |
Column | Description |
CONFIG_ID int(11) | Not used. This field supports migration from older versions. |
CUSTOM_FIELD_MAPPING varchar(255) | Not used. This field supports migration from older versions. |
DESTINATION_ISSUE_TYPE varchar(255) | The "to" Issue Type Identifier. |
DESTINATION_PRIORITY varchar(255) | The priority Identifier for issues created by the escalation post function. |
DESTINATION_PROJECT varchar(255) | The "to" JIRA Jira Project Identifier. |
POPUP_ENABLED tyniint(1) | Not used. This field supports migration from older versions. |
FIELDS varchar(255) | Not used. This field supports migration from older versions. |
HAS_QLFUNCTION tinyint(1) | Admissible values for this field are: |
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Mapping Identifier (Primary Key). |
LABEL varchar(255) | The Button label. |
LINK varchar(255) | Identifier of the JIRA Jira issue Link. |
LINK_TYPE varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
PARTNERSHIP_ID int(11) | The Partnership Identifier. |
REMOTE_MAPPING_ID int(11) | The Remote Mapping Identifier. |
SOURCE_ISSUE_TYPE varchar(255) | The "from" Issue Type Identifier. |
SOURCE_PROJECT varchar(255) | The "from" JIRA Jira Project Identifier. |
LINK_VERSUS_OUT_IN tyniint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
SYSTEM_USER_CREDENTIALS tyniint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
SCHEMA_PATTERN_REL_ID int(11) | Identifier of the Scheme/Pattern association. |
LINK_ACTIONS varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
Table: AO_3F6548_ISSUES_LINKThe Table holds Issue Link data | |
Column | Description |
DESTINATION_ISSUE_ID bigint(20) | The Identifier of the destination Issue. |
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Issue Link Identifier (Primary Key). |
JIRAJira_LINK_TYPE varchar(255) | The Identifier of the JIRA Jira Link Type. |
LINK_TYPE varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are: INTERNAL when the target instance is the current instance REMOTE when the target instance is a remote instance. |
MAPPING_ID int(11) | The Mapping Identifier. |
SOURCE_ISSUE_ID bigint(20) | The Identifier of the source Issue. |
RANK_DIN_S int(11) | Maintain the issue ranking source side |
RANK_SIN_S int(11) | Maintain the issue ranking target side |
IS_JIRAJira_LINK tinyint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
LINK_VERSUS_OUT_IN tinyint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
Table: AO_3F6548_CONFIGThe Table holds Global Configuration data | ||
Column | Description | |
ID int(11) PK | ||
STATUS varchar(255) | ||
QL_LABEL varchar(255) | Text displayed as label of the Herzum Quick links web panel | |
QA_LABEL varchar(255) | Text displayed as label of the Herzum Quick actions web panel |
Table: AO_3F6548_TOKEN_INFOSystem Table maintaining temporary data for sync management | |
Column | Description |
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Token Identifier (Primary Key) |
ISSUE bigint(20) | The Issue Identifier of the issue receiving the token. |
TOKEN varchar(255) | The Token identifier. It is obtained concatenating the strings “SERVER_ID” and ”TOKEN_INFO.ID |
UPDATED_FIELD_LIST varchar(255) | List of synced fields associated to the token. |
CREATION_TIME bigint(20) | Creation time that token is stored, in milliseconds. |
ATTACHMENT_SYNC_LIST longtext | List of synced attachments associated to the token. |
Table: AO_3F6548_SCHEME_PATTERN_RELThe Table holds the associations between Schemes and Mapping Patterns | |
Column | Description |
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Mapping Pattern/Scheme association Identifier (Primary Key) |
MAPPING_PATTERN_ID int(11) | The Mapping Pattern Identifier |
MAPPING_SCHEME_ID int(11) | The Mapping Scheme Identifier |
Table: AO_3F6548_PROJECT_SCHEME_RELThe Table holds the associations between Schemes and Projects | |
Column | Description |
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Mapping Scheme/Project association Identifier (Primary Key) |
MAPPING_SCHEME_ID int(11) | The Mapping Scheme Identifier |
PROJECT_ID bigint(20) | The Project Identifier |
Table: AO_3F6548_MAPPING_SCHEMEThe Table holds the Mapping Schemes | |
Column | Description |
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Mapping Scheme Identifier (Primary Key) |
SCHEME_DENOMINATION varchar(255) | The Mapping Scheme denomination |
Table: AO_3F6548_MAPPING_PATTERNThe Table holds the Mapping Patterns | |
Column | Description |
HQL_LINK_TYPE varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
ID int(11) AI PK | The Unique Mapping Pattern Identifier (Primary Key) |
ISSUE_LINK_TYPE bigint(20) | Identifier of the JIRA Jira issue Link. |
LABEL varchar(255) | The Button label. |
LINK_VERSUS_OUT_IN tinyint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
PARTNERSHIP_ID int(11) | The Partnership Identifier. |
SOURCE_ISSUE_TYPE varchar(255) | The "from" Issue Type Identifier. |
SYSTEM_USER_CREDENTIAL tinyint(1) | Admissible values for this field are:
TARGET_ISSUE_TYPE varchar(255) | The "to" Issue Type Identifier. |
LINK_ACTIONS varchar(255) | Admissible values for this field are:
SYNCH_RESTRICTION_VISIBILITY | Admissible values for this field are: