Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


This guide illustrates what you can expect  when the field synchronization has been configured on a mapping.

Notice that not all fields defined on your JIRA instances are available for synchronization.  

Following  you can find the list of field that can be synchronized and the admissible combinations of synchronizations for different field types.

Furthermore, notice that the syncing behavior can differ with respect to the type of field in sync.

E.g. Case of  Component, the synchronization is performed on adding a new component  same way then deleting a component. Case of Attachment, the synchronization is performed on adding a new attachment exclusively.

In particular, you can expect a different behavior with respect to the following groups of  fields:

Consider that the synchronization is active on issue creation, editing and linking.

Additionally, the Sync on create option allows chosing:

  • if the create screen opened via the via Herzum Quick actions button must be pre-populated (Sync on create = True)  when creating an issue via the Herzum Quick actions button
  • if the issue created via the Escalate issue post function must be populated based on the value on the source issue.

While on issue editing the sync type both is naturally provisioning, on issue creation and/or linking the add-on behavior follows some established conventions that are going to be detailed for:

  • issue creation and/or linking via Herzum Quick actions
  • issue  creation and linking via Escalate Issue post function.

At last, notice that, in general, you can expect the same behavior for a Local Partnerships as for a Remote Partnership.

This guide explain in detail all mentioned  topics so that you can configure suitable fields mappings.


Fields availability

All JIRA default fields are available for a Fields mapping configuration.

Custom fields available for a field syncing configuration are:

  • Text Field (single and multi line)
  • third party custom fields (e.g. the Tempo "Customer Account" custom field) recognized to be text type
  • Select List (single and multiple choice) -  (for Local Partnership exclusively)
  • Radio Buttons -  (for Local Partnership exclusively)
  • Checkboxes -  (for Local Partnership exclusively)
  • Select List (cascading) -  (for Local Partnership exclusively). New v. 4.7

Fields mapping around different field’s type








Text Field (multi line)


Text Field (single line)




Summary, Description, Custom fields


Affect/Fix Versions




Summary, Description, Custom fields






Summary, Description, Custom fields








Summary, Description, Custom fields






Fix/Affect Versions




Fix/Affect Versions




















Summary, Description, Custom fields




Fix/Affect Versions


Summary, Description, Custom fields






Table of Contents


This guide illustrates what you can expect  when the field synchronization has been configured on a mapping.

Notice that not all fields defined on your JIRA instances are available for synchronization.  

Following  you can find the list of field that can be synchronized and the admissible combinations of synchronizations for different field types.

Furthermore, notice that the syncing behavior can differ with respect to the type of field in sync.

E.g. Case of  Component, the synchronization is performed on adding a new component  same way then deleting a component. Case of Attachment, the synchronization is performed on adding a new attachment exclusively.

In particular, you can expect a different behavior with respect to the following groups of  fields:

Consider that the synchronization is active on issue creation, editing and linking.

Additionally, the Sync on create option allows chosing:

  • if the create screen opened via the via Herzum Quick actions button must be pre-populated (Sync on create = True)  when creating an issue via the Herzum Quick actions button
  • if the issue created via the Escalate issue post function must be populated based on the value on the source issue.

While on issue editing the sync type both is naturally provisioning, on issue creation and/or linking the add-on behavior follows some established conventions that are going to be detailed for:

  • issue creation and/or linking via Herzum Quick actions
  • issue  creation and linking via Escalate Issue post function.

At last, notice that, in general, you can expect the same behavior for a Local Partnerships as for a Remote Partnership.

This guide explain in detail all mentioned  topics so that you can configure suitable fields mappings.

Fields availability and Fields mapping around different field’s type

Fields availability

All JIRA default fields are available for a Fields mapping configuration.

Custom fields available for a field syncing configuration are:

  • Text Field (single and multi line)
  • third party custom fields (e.g. the Tempo "Customer Account" custom field) recognized to be text type
  • Select List (single and multiple choice) -  (for Local Partnership exclusively)
  • Radio Buttons -  (for Local Partnership exclusively)
  • Checkboxes -  (for Local Partnership exclusively)
  • Select List (cascading) -  (for Local Partnership exclusively). New v. 4.7

Fields mapping around different JIRA field’s type




Summary, Description

Component, Fix/Affect Versions,Assignee, Priority



Summary, Description, Custom fields



Fix/Affect Versions


Fix/Affect Versions



Fix VersionsAffect Versions(tick)
Affect VersionsFix Versions(tick)







Component, Fix/Affect Versions,Assignee

Summary, Description


Fields mapping around different custom field’s type




Mapping between different custom field types
Text Field (single line)Text Field (multi line)(tick)

Text Field (multi line)

Text Field (single line)


Select List (single choice)Radio Buttons(tick)
Radio ButtonsSelect List (single choice)(tick)
Select List (multiple choices)


CheckboxesSelect List (multiple choices)(tick)
Select List (single choice), Radio ButtonsSelect List (multiple choices), Checkboxes(minus)
Select List (multiple choices), CheckboxesSelect List (single choice), Radio Buttons(minus)
Mapping between custom fields and JIRA default fields

Custom fields (Text Field)




Custom fields(Text Field)


Summary, Description, Fix/Affect Versions, ComponentCustom fields: Select List (multiple choices), Checkboxes, Select List (single choice), Radio Buttons(minus)
Custom fields: Select List (multiple choices), Checkboxes, Select List (single choice), Radio ButtonsSummary, Description, Fix/Affect Versions, Component, Assignee and Reporter(minus)

Allowable fields  for Sync on create


  • a comment added by the user includes the following header: Comment synced by HQL (id:<Issue id>) 
  • a comment added by the system includes the following header: Comment synced by HQL (<Partnership Id>: <Issue id>)

Notice that sync behavior is the same for Partnerships configured across the same or different source and destination Url/s.
