Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


Fields mapping around different field’s type




Text Field (single line)Text Field (multi line)(tick)

Text Field (multi line)

Text Field (single line)


Summary, Description, Custom fields

Affect/Fix Versions


Summary, Description, Custom fields



Summary, Description, Custom fields




Summary, Description, Custom fields



Fix/Affect Versions


Fix/Affect Versions



Fix VersionsAffect Versions(tick)
Affect VersionsFix Versions(tick)








Summary, Description, Custom fields


Fix/Affect Versions

Summary, Description, Custom fields



Summary, Description, Custom fields



On adding one or more attachments, they are synced on all the linked issue/s and, if other synchronizations have been configured on the target issue/s, they are propagated again indefinitely.

On issue creation and linking /linking or justonly linking an existing one via the Quick actions buttons, all attachments are synced in both directions and, if other synchronizations have been configured on the source and/or on the target issue/s, they are propagated again indefinitely.

On issue creation and linking via the Escalate issue post function,  all attachments on the source issue are synced on the created/linked issues, for Mappings associated to Local Partnership exclusively (this feature isn't available for Remote Partnership yet).

Syncing is source versus target


On issue linking via the Quick actions buttons,  attachments are synced on all the linked issue and, if other synchronizations have been configured on the target issue, they are propagated again indefinitely.

On issue creation and linking via the Escalate issue post function,  all attachments on the source issue are synced on the created/linked issues, for Mappings associated to Local Partnership exclusively (this feature isn't available for Remote Partnership yet).

Syncing is target versus source

On adding one or more attachments on the target issue, they are synced on all the linked issue/s and, if other synchronizations have been configured on the source issue/s, they are propagated again indefinitely.

On issue creation creation/linking via the Quick actions buttons, as expected, attachments  attachments on the source issue are Not synced on the created issues.

On issue issue exclusively linking via the Quick actions buttons,  attachments on the target issue are synced on all the source issue and, if other synchronizations have been configured on the source issue, they are propagated again indefinitely.


  • a comment added by the user includes the following header: Comment synced by HQL (id:<Issue id>) 
  • a comment added by the system includes the following header: Comment synced by HQL (<Partnership Id>: <Issue id>)

Notice that sync behavior is the same for Partnerships configured across the same or different source and destination Url/s.
