1 | From the JIRA header, click Issues -> Search for Issues | Search for Issues tab |
2 | Click Advanced to switch the form to advance search mode using JQL. | Search screen |
3 | Enter the JQL function | Search screen |
4 | Click the search icon to run the search. The list of issues appears. | JIRA search screen list view |
The hqlLinkedIssuesThe hqlLinkedIssues([issueLinkType], [linkVersus], [partnershipType],[issueHierarchy]) JQL function searches for all issues linking to onother issue via the specified Link Type and,when specified, by having the specified link versus. Additional, it is possible to filter issues linking issues on any remote instance and further specialize the search for source/target issues.
issue in hqlLinkedIssues("Blocks", "O", "remote", "")
The hqlLinkedIssuesOf(subquery, [link type], [link versus]) JQL function searches for all issues linked at least to one issue satisfying the filter and, when specified, having the specific link type and link direction.