Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


This guide illustrates what you can expect  when a Field Mapping is configured on a mapping.

As first, consider that not all fields defined on your JIRA instances are available for a Field mapping  and not all fields mappings around different fields are allowed.

After that, consider that depending by the selected field, the syncing behavior can differ for:


In particular, you can expect a different behavior for the listed groups of fields:

Furthermore,  you must take in consideration  that the configured Fields Mappings is already active on issue creation as on issue editing, exception made for a few set of fields (Comments, Attachment Assignee and Reporter) on issue creation via the escalate issue post function.


This guide explain in detail all mentioned  topics so that you can configure suitable fields mappings.

Fields availability and allowed Mapping

Fields availability

All JIRA default fields are available for a Fields mapping configuration.

Custom fields available for field mapping configuration are: Text Field (single line), Text Field (multi-line) and third party custom fields (e.g. the Tempo "Customer Account" custom field) recognized to be text type.

Fields mappings around different field’s type




Text Field (single line)Text Field (multi line)(tick)

Text Field (multi line)

Text Field (single line)


Summary, Description, Custom fields

Affect/Fix Versions


Summary, Description, Custom fields



Summary, Description, Custom fields




Summary, Description, Custom fields



Fix/Affect Versions


Fix/Affect Versions



Fix VersionsAffect Versions(tick)
Affect VersionsFix Versions(tick)








Summary, Description, Custom fields


Fix/Affect Versions

Summary, Description, Custom fields



Summary, Description, Custom fields


Allowable fields  for Sync on create

The sync on create parameter set to True allows to:


The mentioned setting is available for mostly of the listed fields available for a field mapping, the only fields not still allowed to have this setting are Attachment Assignee and Reporter.

Attachment’s Syncing behavior 

As first you must be aware that attachment synchronization is based on the attachment file name. So, two files having the same name are considered to be the same.


Depending by the configured sync versus you can expect the syncing behavior described bellow.

Syncing is Both

On adding one or more attachments, they are synced on all the linked issue/s and, if other synchronizations have been configured on the target issue/s, they are propagated again indefinitely.

On issue creation and linking or just linking an existing one via the Quick actions buttons, all attachments are synced in both directions and, if other synchronizations have been configured on the source and/or on the target issue/s, they are propagated again indefinitely.

Syncing is source versus target

On adding one or more attachments on the source issue, they are synced on all the linked issue/s and, if other synchronizations have been configured on the target issue/s, they are propagated again indefinitely.


On issue linking via the Quick actions buttons,  attachments are synced on all the linked issue and, if other synchronizations have been configured on the target issue, they are propagated again indefinitely.

Syncing is target versus source

On adding one or more attachments on the target issue, they are synced on all the linked issue/s and, if other synchronizations have been configured on the source issue/s, they are propagated again indefinitely.


On issue linking via the Quick actions buttons,  attachments on the target issue are synced on all the source issue and, if other synchronizations have been configured on the source issue, they are propagated again indefinitely.

Comment’s Syncing behavior

Main difference between Comments syncing and other field syncing consists of it is performed at one linking’s level.


  • a comment added by the user includes the following header: Comment synced by HQL (id:<Issue id>) 
  • a comment added by the system includes the following header: Comment synced by HQL (<Partnership Id>: <Issue id>)

Notice that sync behavior is the same for Partnerships configured across the same or different source and destination Url/s.

Depending by the configured sync versus you can expect the syncing behavior described bellow.

Syncing is Both

On adding a comment, it's synced on all the linked issue/s.


  • all and only the comments added by the user on the source issue are synced on the linked issue
  • all and only the comments added by the user on the linked issue are synced on the source issue.

Syncing is source versus target

On adding a comment on the source issue, it's synced on all the linked issue/s.


On issue linking via the Quick actions buttons all and only the comments added by the user on the source issue are synced on the linked issue.

Syncing is target versus source

On adding a comment on the target issue, it's synced on all the source issue/s.


On issue linking via the Quick actions buttons, all and only the comments added by the user on the linked issue are synced on the source issue.

Summary DescriptionCustom fields
Summary DescriptionCustom fields
Summary, Description and Custom fields

Sync behavior for the fields Summary, Description, Custom fields, Assignee, Reporter is the same for Partnerships configured across the same or different source and destination Url/s.

Depending by the configured sync versus you can expect the syncing behavior described bellow.

Syncing is Both

On issue creation via the Quick actions buttons, data are synced from the created issues to the source and, if other synchronizations have been configured on the source issue, syncing is propagated again indefinitely.


On linking an existing issue, data are synced from the linked issues to the source and, if other synchronizations have been configured on the source issue, syncing is propagated again indefinitely.

Syncing is source versus target

On issue creation via the Quick actions buttons, data are synced from the source issue to the created issue.


On linking an existing issue, data are synced from the source issue to the created issue and, if other synchronizations have been configured on the linked issue, syncing is propagated again indefinitely.

Syncing is target versus source

On issue creation via the Quick actions buttons, data are synced from the created issue to the source issue.


On linking an existing issue, data are synced from the linked issue to the source issue and, if other synchronizations have been configured on the source issue, syncing is propagated again indefinitely.

Component, Affect Version,Fix Version
Component, Affect Version,Fix Version
Component, Affect Version and Fix Version syncing behavior

Sync behavior for the fields Component, Affect Version, Fix Version is basically the same behavior described for Summary, Description and Custom fields.


Notice that when sync fails as default the add-on set to Null the value of the target field. An exception is made for field configured to be required where the existing value is retained.

Priority, Assignee,Reporter
Priority, Assignee,Reporter
Priority, Assignee and Reporter syncing behavior

Sync behavior for the fields Priority, Assignee and Reporter is basically the same behavior described for Component, Affect Version and Fix Version, including the behavior on sync failure but


  • on issue creation and linking via the Quick actions buttons the issue create screen will not be populated by having the values of the source issue
  • on issue creation via the Escalate issue post function the issue  will not be populated by having the values of the source issue.

Issue History updates due to synchronization

Updates on issue’s data caused by a synchronization performed by Herzum Quick Linker are retained same way of updates applied by an user.
